Block Vue Component

Block Vue component represents Block / Content Block element designed (mostly) to add extra formatting and required spacing for text content.

Block Components

There are following components included:

  • f7-block - main block element
  • f7-block-title - block title. Can be used before Block or List View
  • f7-block-header - extra header element. Can be used both inside and outside of block elements
  • f7-block-footer - extra footer element. Can be used both inside and outside of block elements

Block Properties

Prop Type Default Description
<f7-block> properties
inset boolean Makes block inset
tablet-inset boolean Makes block inset on tablets, but not on phones
strong boolean Adds extra highlighting and padding block content
accordion-list boolean Makes block wrapper for accordion items
tabs boolean Adds additional "tabs" class to make the block tabs wrapper
tab boolean Adds additional "tab" class when block should be used as a Tab
tab-active boolean Adds additional "tab-active" class when block used as a Tab and makes it active tab
no-hairlines boolean Removes outer hairlines
no-hairlines-md boolean Removes outer hairlines for MD theme
no-hairlines-ios boolean Removes outer hairlines for iOS theme


<!-- Block -->

<!-- With extran highlighting and padding, additional "strong" prop -->
<f7-block strong>...</f7-block>

<!-- With block title -->
<f7-block-title>Block Title</f7-block-title>

<!-- Inset -->
<f7-block inset>...</f7-block>

<!-- With header and footer -->
  <f7-block-header>Block Header</f7-block-header>
  <f7-block-footer>Block Footer</f7-block-footer>

<!-- With header and footer outside -->
<f7-block-header>Block Header</f7-block-header>
<f7-block-footer>Block Footer</f7-block-footer>

<!-- With header after block title and footer outside-->
<f7-block-title>Block Title</f7-block-title>
<f7-block-header>Block Header</f7-block-header>

Renders to:

<!-- Block -->
<div class="block">...</div>

<!-- With extran highlighting and padding, additional "strong" prop -->
<div class="block block-strong">...</div>

<!-- With block title -->
<div class="block-title">Block Title</div>
<div class="block">...</div>

<!-- Inset -->
<div class="block inset">...</div>

<!-- With header and footer -->
<div class="block">
  <div class="block-header">Block Header</div>
  <div class="block-footer">Block Footer</div>

<!-- With header and footer outside -->
<div class="block-header">Block Header</div>
<div class="block">
<div class="block-footer">Block Footer</div>

<!-- With header after block title and footer outside-->
<div class="block-title">Block Title Here</div>
<div class="block-header">Block Header</div>
<div class="block">