Get Started
Vue Components
- Accordion
- Action Sheet / Actions
- Badge
- Block / Content Block
- Button
- Cards
- Checkbox
- Chips / Tags
- Contacts List
- Floating Action Button
- Grid / Layout Grid
- Icon
- Inputs / Form Inputs
- Link
- List View
- List Item
- List Button
- List Index
- Login Screen
- Messagebar
- Messages
- Navbar
- Page
- Panel / Side Panels
- Photo Browser
- Popover
- Popup
- Preloader
- Progressbar
- Radio
- Range Slider
- Searchbar
- Sheet Modal
- Smart Select
- Sortable
- Statusbar
- Stepper
- Subnavbar
- Swiper
- Swipeout
- Tabs
- Toggle
- Toolbar / Tabbar
- View
- Virtual List
Block Vue Component
Block Vue component represents Block / Content Block element designed (mostly) to add extra formatting and required spacing for text content.
Block Components
There are following components included:
- main block elementf7-block-title
- block title. Can be used before Block or List Viewf7-block-header
- extra header element. Can be used both inside and outside of block elementsf7-block-footer
- extra footer element. Can be used both inside and outside of block elements
Block Properties
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
<f7-block> properties | |||
inset | boolean | Makes block inset | |
tablet-inset | boolean | Makes block inset on tablets, but not on phones | |
strong | boolean | Adds extra highlighting and padding block content | |
accordion-list | boolean | Makes block wrapper for accordion items | |
tabs | boolean | Adds additional "tabs" class to make the block tabs wrapper | |
tab | boolean | Adds additional "tab" class when block should be used as a Tab | |
tab-active | boolean | Adds additional "tab-active" class when block used as a Tab and makes it active tab | |
no-hairlines | boolean | Removes outer hairlines | |
no-hairlines-md | boolean | Removes outer hairlines for MD theme | |
no-hairlines-ios | boolean | Removes outer hairlines for iOS theme |
<!-- Block -->
<!-- With extran highlighting and padding, additional "strong" prop -->
<f7-block strong>...</f7-block>
<!-- With block title -->
<f7-block-title>Block Title</f7-block-title>
<!-- Inset -->
<f7-block inset>...</f7-block>
<!-- With header and footer -->
<f7-block-header>Block Header</f7-block-header>
<f7-block-footer>Block Footer</f7-block-footer>
<!-- With header and footer outside -->
<f7-block-header>Block Header</f7-block-header>
<f7-block-footer>Block Footer</f7-block-footer>
<!-- With header after block title and footer outside-->
<f7-block-title>Block Title</f7-block-title>
<f7-block-header>Block Header</f7-block-header>
Renders to:
<!-- Block -->
<div class="block">...</div>
<!-- With extran highlighting and padding, additional "strong" prop -->
<div class="block block-strong">...</div>
<!-- With block title -->
<div class="block-title">Block Title</div>
<div class="block">...</div>
<!-- Inset -->
<div class="block inset">...</div>
<!-- With header and footer -->
<div class="block">
<div class="block-header">Block Header</div>
<div class="block-footer">Block Footer</div>
<!-- With header and footer outside -->
<div class="block-header">Block Header</div>
<div class="block">
<div class="block-footer">Block Footer</div>
<!-- With header after block title and footer outside-->
<div class="block-title">Block Title Here</div>
<div class="block-header">Block Header</div>
<div class="block">