Get Started
Router / Navigation
- App / Core
- Accordion / Collapsible
- Action Sheet / Actions
- Autocomplete
- Badge
- Block / Content Block
- Button
- Calendar / Datepicker
- Cards
- Checkbox
- Chips / Tags
- Contacts List
- Data Table
- Dialog
- Floating Action Button
- Form Data / Storage
- Grid / Layout Grid
- Icons
- Infinite Scroll
- Inputs / Form Inputs
- Lazy Load
- Link
- List View
- List Index
- Login Screen
- Messagebar
- Messages
- Navbar
- Notification
- Page
- Panel / Side Panels
- Photo Browser
- Picker
- Popover
- Popup
- Preloader
- Progressbar
- Pull to Refresh
- Radio
- Range Slider
- Searchbar
- Sheet Modal
- Smart Select
- Sortable List
- Statusbar
- Stepper
- Subnavbar
- Swiper
- Swipeout
- Tabs
- Timeline
- Toast
- Toggle
- Toolbar / Tabbar
- Video Intelligence (vi)
- View / Router
- Virtual List
Framework7 Icons
Fast Clicks
Plugins API
Custom Build
Panel / Side Panels
Panel Layout
Let's look how to add Side Panels to our App. We may include up to 2 panels to our App, one on left side and another one on right side. We should add panels' HTML right in the beginning of the app root element (or <body> in case there is no root element in use):
<!-- App root element -->
<div id="#app">
<!-- Left panel -->
<div class="panel panel-left">
... panel content goes here ...
<!-- Right panel -->
<div class="panel panel-right">
... panel content goes here ...
Panel Effect
After we added panels we need to choose opening effect for each panel. There could be one of two effects: "Reveal" (when panel moves out whole app's content) or "Cover" (when panel overlays app's content). If you want to use "Reveal" effect you should add additional panel-reveal
class to Panel, or panel-cover
for cover effect:
<!-- App root element -->
<div id="#app">
<!-- Left panel, let it be with reveal effect -->
<div class="panel panel-left panel-reveal">
... panel content goes here ...
<!-- Right panel, with cover effect -->
<div class="panel panel-right panel-cover">
... panel content goes here ...
Panel App Parameters
It is possible to control some default panels behavior using global app parameters by passing panels related parameters under panel
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
leftBreakpoint | number | Minimal app width (in px) when left panel becomes always visible | |
rightBreakpoint | number | Minimal app width (in px) when right panel becomes always visible | |
swipe | string | Disabled by default. If you want to enable ability to open/close side panels with swipe you can pass here left (for left panel) or right (for right panel) or both (for both panels). |
swipeActiveArea | number | 0 | Width (in px) of invisible edge from the screen that triggers swipe panel |
swipeCloseOpposite | boolean | true | This parameter gives ability to close opposite panel by swipe. For example, if your swipePanel is "left", then you could close "right" panel also with swipe. |
swipeOnlyClose | boolean | false | This parameter allows to close (but not open) panels with swipes |
swipeNoFollow | boolean | false | Fallback option for potentially better performance on old/slow devices. If you enable it, then side panel will not follow your finger during touch, it will be automatically opened/closed on swipe left/right. |
swipeThreshold | number | 0 | Panel will not move with swipe if "touch distance" will be less than this value (in px). |
closeByBackdropClick | boolean | true | Enable/disable ability to close panel by clicking outside of panel (on panel's backdrop) |
For example:
var app = new Framework({
panel: {
swipe: 'left',
leftBreakpoint: 768,
rightBreakpoint: 1440,
Panel App Methods
Let's look at related App methods to work with Panel:
app.panel.open(side, animate)- open panel
- side - string. Panel to open: "left" or "right". Required in case you have two panels.
- animate - boolean. Should it be opened with animation or not. Optional, by default is
app.panel.close(side, animate)- close panel
- side - string. Panel to close. Optional, by default will close any opened panel.
- animate - boolean. Should it be opened with animation or not. Optional, by default is
app.panel.create(parameters)- create new panel instance
- parameters - object. Object with panel parameters.
Method returns created Panel instance
app.panel.get(side)- get Panel instance by specified side
- side - string. Panel to get
Method returns Panel instance
app.panel.enableSwipe(side)- enable swipes for panel (swipe-to-close and swipe-to-open)
- side - string. Panel to enable swipe actions on
app.panel.disableSwipe(side)- disable swipes for panel (swipe-to-close and swipe-to-open)
- side - string. Panel to disable swipe actions on
app.panel.left- left panel instance
app.panel.right- right panel instance
Panel Parameters
If we create Panel manually using app.panel.create
method we need to pass object with panel parameters:
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
el | HTMLElement | Panel element | |
side | string | Can be left or right . If not passed then will be determined based on panel-left or panel-right element classes |
effect | string | Can be cover or reveal . If not passed then will be determined based on panel-cover or panel-reveal element classes |
For example:
var panel = app.panel.create({
el: '.panel-left',
Panel Methods & Properties
After we created Panel instance (by calling app.panel.create
) or after we got Panel instance (by calling app.panel.get
) we may use its useful methods and properties:
Properties | |
panel.app | Link to global app instance |
panel.side | String with panel side: left or right |
panel.effect | String with panel effect: cover or reveal |
panel.opened | Boolean property indicating whether it is opened or not |
panel.el | Panel HTML element |
panel.$el | Dom7 instance with panel HTML element |
panel.backdropEl | Backdrop HTML element |
panel.$backdropEl | Dom7 instance with backdrop HTML element |
panel.params | Popup parameters |
Methods | |
panel.open(animate) | Open panel. Where
panel.close(animate) | Close panel. Where
panel.destroy() | Destroy panel instance |
panel.on(event, handler) | Add event handler |
panel.once(event, handler) | Add event handler that will be removed after it was fired |
panel.off(event, handler) | Remove event handler |
panel.off(event) | Remove all handlers for specified event |
panel.emit(event, ...args) | Fire event on instance |
Control Panel With Links
It is possible to open and close required panel (if you have them in DOM) using special classes and data attributes on links:
To open panel we need to add
class to any HTML element (prefered to link) -
To close panel we need to add
class to any HTML element (prefered to link) -
If you have two panels in app, such link will open/close Left panel by default
If you want to specify which panel should opened/closed, then it could be done via additional
attribute on this HTML element
According to above note:
<div id="app">
<!-- Left Panel with Reveal effect -->
<div class="panel panel-left panel-reveal">
<div class="content-block">
<!-- Clicking on link with "panel-close" class will close panel -->
<p><a href="#" class="panel-close">Close me</a></p>
<!-- Click on link with "panel-open" and data-panel="right" attribute will open Right panel -->
<p><a href="#" data-panel="right" class="panel-close">Open Right Panel</a></p>
<!-- Right Panel with Cover effect -->
<div class="panel panel-right panel-cover">
<div class="content-block">
<!-- Click on link with "panel-close" class will close panel -->
<p><a href="#" class="panel-close">Close me</a></p>
<!-- Click on link with "panel-open" and data-panel="left" attribute will open Left panel -->
<p><a href="#" data-panel="left" class="panel-open">Open Left Panel</a></p>
<div class="page-content">
<div class="content-block">
<!-- If no data-panel attribute, Left panel will be opened by default -->
<p><a href="#" class="panel-open">Open Left Panel</a></p>
<!-- Click on link with "panel-open" and data-panel="right" attribute will open Right panel -->
<p><a href="#" data-panel="right" class="panel-open">Open Right Panel</a></p>
Panel Events
Panel will fire the following DOM events on panel element and events on app and panel instance:
DOM Events
Event | Target | Description |
panel:open | Panel Element<div class="panel"> | Event will be triggered when Panel starts its opening animation |
panel:opened | Panel Element<div class="panel"> | Event will be triggered after Panel completes its opening animation |
panel:close | Panel Element<div class="panel"> | Event will be triggered when Panel starts its closing animation |
panel:closed | Panel Element<div class="panel"> | Event will be triggered after Panel completes its closing animation |
panel:backdrop-click | Panel Overlay Element<div class="panel-backdrop"> | Event will be triggered when the panel overlay is clicked |
panel:swipeopen | Panel Element<div class="panel"> | Event will be triggered in the very beginning of opening it with swipe |
panel:swipe | Panel Element<div class="panel"> | Event will be triggered for swipe panel during touch swipe action |
panel:breakpoint | Panel Element<div class="panel"> | Event will be triggered when it becomes visible/hidden when app width matches its breakpoint |
panel:beforedestroy | Panel Element<div class="panel"> | Event will be triggered right before Panel instance will be destroyed |
App and Panel Instance Events
Panel instance emits events on both self instance and app instance. App instance events has same names prefixed with panel
Event | Target | Arguments | Description |
open | panel | (panel) | Event will be triggered when Panel starts its opening animation. As an argument event handler receives panel instance |
panelOpen | app | (panel) | |
opened | panel | (panel) | Event will be triggered when Panel completes its opening animation. As an argument event handler receives panel instance |
panelOpened | app | (panel) | |
close | panel | (panel) | Event will be triggered when Panel starts its closing animation. As an argument event handler receives panel instance |
panelClose | app | (panel) | |
closed | panel | (panel) | Event will be triggered when Panel completes its closing animation. As an argument event handler receives panel instance |
panelClosed | app | (panel) | |
backdropClick | panel | (panel) | Event will be triggered when the panel backdrop is clicked. As an argument event handler receives panel instance |
panelBackdropClick | app | (panel) | |
swipeOpen | panel | (panel) | Event will be triggered in the very beginning of opening it with swipe. As an argument event handler receives panel instance |
panelSwipeOpen | app | (panel) | |
swipe | panel | (panel, progress) | Event will be triggered for swipe panel during touch swipe action. As an argument event handler receives panel instance and opened progress (from 0 to 1) |
panelSwipe | app | (panel, progress) | |
breakpoint | panel | (panel) | Event will be triggered when it becomes visible/hidden when app width matches its breakpoint. As an argument event handler receives panel instance |
panelBreakpoint | app | (panel) | |
beforeDestroy | panel | (panel) | Event will be triggered right before Panel instance will be destroyed |
panelBeforeDestroy | app | (panel) |
<div id="app">
<div class="panel panel-left panel-reveal">
<div class="block">
<p>Left Panel content here</p>
<p><a class="panel-close" href="#">Close me</a></p>
<p><a class="panel-open" href="#" data-panel="right">Open Right Panel</a></p>
<div class="panel panel-right panel-cover">
<div class="block">
<p>Right Panel content here</p>
<p><a class="panel-close" href="#">Close me</a></p>
<p><a class="panel-open" href="#" data-panel="left">Open Left Panel</a></p>
<div class="view view-main view-init">
<div class="page">
<div class="navbar">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="left"></div>
<div class="title">Panels</div>
<div class="right"></div>
<div class="page-content">
<div class="block">
<p><a class="panel-open" href="#">Open Left Panel</a></p>
<p><a class="panel-open" href="#" data-panel="right">Open Right Panel</a></p>
var app = new Framework7();
var $$ = Dom7;
// Dom Events
$$('.panel-left').on('panel:open', function () {
console.log('Panel left: open');
$$('.panel-left').on('panel:opened', function () {
console.log('Panel left: opened');
// Instance Events
var panelRight = app.panel.right;
panelRight.on('open', function () {
console.log('Panel right: open');
panelRight.on('opened', function () {
console.log('Panel right: opened');
// App Events
app.on('panelClose', function (panel) {
console.log('Panel ' + panel.side + ': close');
app.on('panelClosed', function (panel) {
console.log('Panel ' + panel.side + ': closed');