Input / Form Elements Vue Components

Form elements allow you to create flexible and beautiful Form layout. Form elements are just well known List View (List and List Item Vue components) but with few additional components.

Check out Framework7's Inputs / Form Elements for their appearance.

Input Components

There are following components included:

  • f7-input - input element
  • f7-label - input label element

Input Properties

Prop Type Default Description
<f7-label> properties
floating boolean false Enables floating label (affects MD theme only)
inline boolean false Makes label inline
<f7-input> properties
wrap boolean true Defines should the input be wraped with "item-input-wrap" element or not. Must be disabled when using outside of List View
type string Input type. All default HTML5 input type, and few special ones:
  • textarea - to render textarea element
  • select - to render select element
resizable boolean false Makes textarea resizable
inputStyle string Value if input's "style" attribute, in case you need to pass extra styles
clear-button boolean false Adds input clear button that will clear input value on click
validate boolean false When enabled then input value will be validated on change based on passed "pattern" or based on input type
error-message string Custom error message to show when input value is invalid
info string Custom additional text with information about input
name string Input name
placeholder string Input placeholder
id string Input ID attribute
value string
Input value
size string
Value of input's native "size" attribute
pattern string Value of input's native "pattern" attribute
accept string
Value of input's native "accept" attribute
autocomplete string Value of input's native "autocomplete" attribute
autofocus boolean false Value of input's native "autofocus" attribute
autosave string Value of input's native "autosave" attribute
checked boolean false Marks input as checked
disabled boolean false Marks input as disabled
max string
Value of input's native "max" attribute
min string
Value of input's native "min" attribute
step string
Value of input's native "step" attribute
maxlength string
Value of input's native "maxlength" attribute
minlength string
Value of input's native "minlength" attribute
multiple boolean false Value of input's native "multiple" attribute
readonly boolean false Marks input as readonly
required boolean false Marks input as required
tabindex string
Value of input's native "tabindex" attribute

Input Events

Event Arguments Description
<f7-input> events
focus (event) Fired when user focused to input.
blur (event) Fired when user lost focus from input.
input (event) Fired immediately when input value changed. Note: Input event triggers after beforeinput, keypress, keyup, keydown events.
change (event) Fired when blur if value changed.
input:clear (event) Fired when input clear button clicked
textarea:resize (event) Fired if resizable textarea resized. event.detail will contain object with the initialHeight, currentHeight and scrollHeight properties
input:empty (event) Fired when input value becomes empty
input:notempty (event) Fired when input value becomes not empty

Input Slots

Input Vue component (<f7-input>) has additional slots for custom elements:

  • default - in case of type="select" or type="textarea" - element will be placed inside of select or textarea tags. Otherwise, it will be placed instead of input element
  • info - element will be inserted in <div class="input-info"> element

Input v-model

v-model is not supported on f7-input vue component. Instead, just use the combination of value property and @input event:

    <f7-input type="text" :value="name" @input="name = $" placeholder="Your name" clear-button></f7-input>
  export default {
    data() {
      name: '',


Full Layout / Inline Labels

<f7-list inline-labels no-hairlines-md>
    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="text" placeholder="Your name" :value="value" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="password" placeholder="Your password" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="email" placeholder="Your e-mail" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="url" placeholder="URL" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="tel" placeholder="Your phone number" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="select" placeholder="Please choose...">
      <option value="Male">Male</option>
      <option value="Female">Female</option>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="date" value="2014-04-30" placeholder="Please choose..."></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-label>Date time</f7-label>
    <f7-input type="datetime-local" placeholder="Please choose..."></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="range" value="50" min="0" max="100" step="1"></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="textarea" placeholder="Bio"></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="textarea" resizable placeholder="Bio"></f7-input>


Full Layout / Stacked Labels

<f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="text" placeholder="Your name" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="password" placeholder="Your password" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="email" placeholder="Your e-mail" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="url" placeholder="URL" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="tel" placeholder="Your phone number" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="select" placeholder="Please choose...">
      <option value="Male">Male</option>
      <option value="Female">Female</option>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="date" value="2014-04-30" placeholder="Please choose..."></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-label>Date time</f7-label>
    <f7-input type="datetime-local" placeholder="Please choose..."></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="range" value="50" min="0" max="100" step="1"></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="textarea" placeholder="Bio"></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="textarea" resizable placeholder="Bio"></f7-input>

Floating Labels (MD-theme only)

<f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-label floating>Name</f7-label>
    <f7-input type="text" placeholder="Your name" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-label floating>Password</f7-label>
    <f7-input type="password" placeholder="Your password" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-label floating>E-mail</f7-label>
    <f7-input type="email" placeholder="Your e-mail" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-label floating>URL</f7-label>
    <f7-input type="url" placeholder="URL" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-label floating>Phone</f7-label>
    <f7-input type="tel" placeholder="Your phone number" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-label floating>Bio</f7-label>
    <f7-input type="textarea" placeholder="Bio" resizable></f7-input>

Validation + Additional Info

<f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="text" placeholder="Your name" info='Default "required" validation' required validate clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="text" placeholder="Type 'apple' or 'banana'" required validate clear-button>
      <span slot="info">Pattern validation (<b>apple|banana</b>)</span>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="email" placeholder="Your e-mail" info='Default e-mail validation' required validate clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="url" placeholder="Your URL" info='Default URL validation' required validate clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="text" placeholder="Enter number" info='With custom error message' error-message="Only numbers please!" required validate pattern="[0-9]*" clear-button></f7-input>


Icon + Input

<f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="text" placeholder="Your name" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="password" placeholder="Your password" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="email" placeholder="Your e-mail" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    <f7-input type="url" placeholder="URL" clear-button></f7-input>


Label + Input

<f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    <f7-input type="text" placeholder="Your name" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-input type="password" placeholder="Your password" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-input type="email" placeholder="Your e-mail" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-input type="url" placeholder="URL" clear-button></f7-input>

Only Inputs

<f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    <f7-input type="text" placeholder="Your name" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-input type="password" placeholder="Your password" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-input type="email" placeholder="Your e-mail" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-input type="url" placeholder="URL" clear-button></f7-input>

Inputs + Additional Info

<f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    <f7-input type="text" placeholder="Your name" info="Full name please" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-input type="password" placeholder="Your password" info="8 characters minimum" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-input type="email" placeholder="Your e-mail" info="Your work e-mail address" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-input type="url" placeholder="URL" info="Your website URL" clear-button></f7-input>

Only Inputs Inset

<f7-list inset>
    <f7-input type="text" placeholder="Your name" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-input type="password" placeholder="Your password" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-input type="email" placeholder="Your e-mail" clear-button></f7-input>

    <f7-input type="url" placeholder="URL" clear-button></f7-input>